Dear Radical Readers,
If you’ve been thinking about attending my upcoming Chiron 101 Summer School, don’t wait any longer! Admissions close at midnight Pacific Daylight time on July 9, 2011. We already have a attendees lined up from across the US, and from Europe and Australia. I am looking forward to playing Chiron in this e-mail format Mt. Pelion, the place the mythical centaur cranked out heroes in ancient Greece. This is a wonderful group of people, as told by the bios they’re sharing with the class. It’s not too late to join the party.
As a special incentive, here’s a $14-off coupon for anyone who already belongs to—or joins—my monthly new Moongram e-mail list.
I’m starting a new diet that involves eating a lot of fruit, so send me a virtual apple for the teacher. My favorite kind are Fuji. Instead of the 3 R’s (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), when it comes to Chiron, we’ll be exploring SAM: sociology, astronomy/astrology and mythology.
If you have to sit out this class, I’ll likely repeat it sometime in 2012—and I’ll be sure, in-between, to share how this first experiment in learning goes. I am very excited about this adventure!
Running to get to class on time,
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