Saturday, November 29, 2014

Chant at the End of Our Prayers

From the ground, from the stone,
From the windswept sky,
From the flaming fire’s cone,
From the flowing water’s sigh,
Our prayers are filled with good intentions,
faith and love and peace.
We raise our hands up to the sky,
These prayers we do release!

May the strength of our circle
And the power of our intentions
Serve all for whom we pray – in the highest good.

~ Modified from a traditional pagan ritual


Photo Credit: © Nikki Zalewski -

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.

Note from Joyce: I belong to a small women’s spiritual support circle. When we pray, we have a plate of tealight candles as our major prop, set in the center of the circle. Each of us mentions someone who needs our prayers and the reason why. There are usually several prayers per person over the course of the ritual. As we alternate our prayer requests, we name the person or intention three times as we light a candle for each individual or cause. Example: Tom, Tom, Tom; or An End to Hunger, three times. Our last prayer is always Peace on Earth. (There’s a prayer for which three repeats hardly seem like enough.) Finally, we say this closing chant together to send our intentions out to the universe. One of the things I like most about this chant and earth-based spirituality is how they honor the four elements of which all things are made, emphasizing our part of the ecosystem of heaven and earth.

This share seemed like the perfect way to end this year’s prayer month on The Radical Virgo. Speaking of sharing, if you have special ways you pray, especially with others, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to hear from you in the Comments.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Native American Thanksgiving Prayer

Great and Eternal Mystery of Life, 
Creator of All Things, 
I give thanks for the beauty You put in every single one of Your creations.
I am grateful that every stone, plant, creature, and human being is a perfect and whole part of the Sacred Hoop.
I am grateful for the strength and beauty of All My Relations.
My humble request is that all of the Children of Earth will learn to see the same perfection in themselves.
May none of Your human children doubt or question Your wisdom, grace, and sense of wholeness in giving all of Creation a right to be living extensions of Your perfect love.


Photo Credit: © PiLens – yay images

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Buddhist Blessing

May I feel safe.
May I feel happy.
May I feel strong.
May I live with ease.


Photo Credit: Abstract Buddha Face Background © leshabu - Fotolia

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Resources for Growing Gratitude

How to Make Every Day of the Year Thanksgiving

Gratitude both reflects and creates happiness. It’s in our best interests to celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year. To mix my holiday metaphors a bit, my heroine Auntie Mame sings in the musical version of her story, “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute!” We need a lot of Thanksgiving, too.

We think of gratitude as something we have—or don’t. Actually, gratitude is a form of spiritual aerobics, more of an expansion of our heart muscle we gain by exercise. Expressing thanks is not just for the purpose of creating and maintaining abundance, but an appreciation workout that helps us to see the cornucopia we live in constantly without let-up. Thanks-giving is not so much about finding things to be grateful for. It’s about noticing and appreciating the lavish opportunities life offers continuously, from the tiniest gifts to the most grandiose blessings. Living from gratitude heightens the senses and makes life itself more alive and vital. What’s not to love?

From an astrological perspective, American Thanksgiving takes place in the month of November when the Sun is in Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, this Jovian holiday is the epitome of overdo.

Let’s take home from our abundant Thanksgiving tables this wonderful leftover. Extend your appetite for feasts to a gluttony for gratitude.

If you don’t already keep a gratitude journal, writing things you’re grateful for at the end of every day, I suggest the easiest version of of that practice is to make that daily review your falling-asleep prayer. The practice is so in keeping with my favorite gratitude quote:

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.  ~ Meister Eckhart

To keep your enthusiasm for gratitude running high all year, I’m also including some websites for you to explore:

A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L) provides education and support for the practice of grateful living as a global ethic, inspired by the teachings of Br. David Steindl-Rast and colleagues.  Gratefulness – the full response to a given moment and all it contains – is a universal practice that fosters personal transformation, cross-cultural understanding, interfaith dialogue, intergenerational respect, nonviolent conflict resolution, and ecological sustainability.

This gem web page is a small but mighty time-release capsule of gratitude. It contains, among other things, 9 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude, The Power of Paying a Compliment, and Gratitude Gismos.

365 Grateful – Stories about the extraordinary power of gratitude. There are videos and information about the original 365 Grateful Project.

These three sites are just an appetizer. To feast on more gratitude offerings online, I suggest using the search string gratitude websites. You’ll be amazed at how much support exists out there to enhance your practice of “awe-aerobics.” That’s what Trudy the Bag Lady, a character played by Lily Tomlin in her one-woman show on Broadway practiced. Check out the title of this amazing stage play by Jane Wagner in this book version, Lily Tomlin: The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe. Gratitude is intelligent life!

A Blessed Thanksgiving 24/7, 365 …


Photo Credit:© Marek -

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Blessing Based on Gandhi's Principles

Oh God, bless this food 
we are about to receive. 
Give bread to those who hunger; 
and hunger for justice to us who have bread.


Photo Credit: © Bokicbo -

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Interfaith Prayer-Poem of Thanksgiving

For each new morning with its light
For rest and the shelter of the night
For health, for food, for love 
and for friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends…
We are grateful! AMEN

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Photo Credit: © Gajus -

This is a Prayer and Gratitude Month post.