© 2013 by Joyce Mason
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Today’s the start of something BIG--Jupiter. In the ancient
Roman religion and myth, Jupiter or Jove was king of the gods and also the god
of sky and thunder. The Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of the Greek
god, Zeus. In the Greek tradition, Jupiter/Zeus was the brother of Neptune and
Pluto. [1] Big as a planet, Jupiter is also a big deal from a mythical
Let’s explore Jupiter, planet of optimism, enthusiasm,
expansion, goodwill, religion and philosophy, good fortune, travel and higher education.
If you’re joining us in progress, please
read the background post about about our May Planetary Fishing Trip.
Enjoy the journey, one of Jupiter’s specialties! And don't forget, the sign of Pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter, who has had more experience with Fish than Neptune. Until Neptune was discovered in 1846, Jupiter was Pisces' sole ruler (no fish pun intended).
Jupiter Fishing
1. As I did with Venus, I’d like to start Jupiter with
a question: When is enough enough? Most
people are in love with Jupiter for its abundant blessings but often ignore the
fact that there really can be too much of a good thing with apologies to Mae
West. [2] What do you overdo in your life and what are the consequences? In
what areas of life is this prevalent for you?
2. Now let’s take a mini-research break. Leap onto
your favorite search engine. Explore (your choice) either Jupiter the planet or
the god Jupiter from mythology. To which characteristics of the planet or god do
you resonate? What about Jupiter stands out for you?
Does your Jupiter sign, in your opinion, blend
will with the general mission of Jupiter? Why or why not?
What’s your favorite quality of Jupiter? There
are many cool ones to choose from: generosity, optimism, foreign cultures,
spiritual teachers and frankness. Your favorite may not even be on the list.
(Did I mention fun and humor?)
What’s the element of your Jupiter? (Earth, Air,
Fire or Water) How does that blend in helping or hindering you to enjoy your
favorite Jupiterian characteristic in 4b?
How’s the blend of your Jupiter with your other
planets? Mostly easy or challenging?
How many planets make a major aspect to Jupiter
How many of the planets are in close aspect,
within 3 degrees or less?
Do these aspects make “doing Jupiter things”
easier or more challenging?
Extra Experience:
Do something spontaneously generous or fun today. Journal what it felt like to
be Jupiter.
Next we’ll be casting our lines for Saturn. And don't forget, these fishing trips are self-paced. You can cut and paste the posts into a document and get to them whenever it's convenient, though it's really fun to do it together in "real time" this May when we can share observations and insights in the Comments.
See you soon!
See you soon!
[1] Jupiter - Wikipedia
[2] “Too much of a good thing is wonderful.” ~ Mae West
[3]This is often easiest to find and view in summary in a
matrix on the chart wheel page or in one of the “reports” offered, if you have
astrology software.
Don’t forget to Comment and let us know what insights you catch! Every comment is entered into this month’s contest for a free e-book.
Too much of a good thing is wonderful. Exactement! Greetings from Sun, jup conjunction in Sag!
Dear Anon,
I'd have never guessed that you'd agree with Mae West on this one! :)
Are you sure you're not Santa Claus? I think Santa would also have Sun conjunct Jupiter in Sag.
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