Monday, December 11, 2017

Winter Wonderland


A Winter Solstice Poem

© 2017 by Joyce Mason

They are quiet places,
Beauty and Awe,
retreats from the cyclone of modern life,
invisible churches:
Temples where wonder enters softly
with each in-spiration,
 the power of breath
the power of creation.

Snowflakes fall, children smile, it's palpable:
the eternal warmth of love and family
actual, chosen or imagined.
Seasonal symbols prime the inner song that sings you
into the light of every day.
O, Holy Night.

At this time where countless candles flicker,
we revisit our Light Source,
reborn in Wonder
in tune with our heartsong
and the joining of all hearts beating together:

Photo Credit:  © robsonphoto -

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