Joyce is no longer doing consultations or collecting data for Chiron research. She'd be happy to refer you to one of her talented colleagues. E-mail her for suggestions.
What’s Up with The Radical Virgo, the Person and Blog Everything: My Dream Catcher Where Did I Go? It has been two years since I posted my ...
Joyce's debut mystery series features an astrologer and her ex-FBI agent beau who mix it up with a bad guy, out to steal a longevity organization's secrets. You're invited to the party where it happens, an outrageous costume ball in San Francisco.
Due to a drop in reader demand for PDF books available on The Radical Virgo, our delivery method has changed. We are not longer offering them by automatic download/e-cart. You can purchase Chiron and Wholeness above in PDF or any of the books below by emailing Joyce. Please indicate which books you want with your name and email address. You will be billed via PayPal. Your e-books will typically arrive 24-48 hours after payment. Thank you!
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Newest PDF eBook on Chiron!
50 Passageways to Healing and Wholeness - PDF eBook, $4.99. Click pic for complete details on launch post.
Poems to Heal the Healer: The 12 Chiron Signs
Expore Chiron through the healing art of poetry. Includes background, intro on Chiron, and a poem for each Chiron sign suitable for framing. Click pic for more details. The art alone is healing!
Click pic to read "PUNCs E-volve" post for details, $2.99.
Astrology 101 Chart Interpretation Primer
Learn the ABCs of astrologese! Click image for more details, $2.99.
What is a Radical Virgo?
To learn the characteristics of a Radical Virgo, read Joyce Mason’s article, “The Radical Virgo.” In a nutshell, these Virgos are not the old fussbudget stereotype—no Felix Ungers or Adrian Monks here. Radical Virgos have the potential to change the world through their ability to develop and discover their unique pattern, becoming true human beings—not “human doings.” Radical Virgos give service in a whole new way by contributing to their community and world what they were designed to give. When we each do that, we have made heaven on earth. It’s like having all the cogs in the great wheel of creation turning like they were just oiled!
You don't even have to be a Sun Virgo to have the characteristics of a Radical Virgo, though any planets in the V-sign help. You don’t join this club. You recognize that you already belong.
Radical Virgo Vision
This award-winning blog is a place where all signs—not just Virgos—learn how to express the best of their star map and are encouraged to do their best for the evolution of the planet.
Joyce is focusing her writing on all the tools in her medicine bag, astrology being just one of them. The more we know; the more we grow. The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly--that is what each of us is here for. ~ Oscar Wilde
About "The Radical Virgo"
Joyce Mason has Sun in the last degree of Virgo, three planets in Libra, Taurus Rising and a Capricorn Moon. She's a "PUNC," or a person with a prominence of the outer planets Pluto, Uranus, Neptune--add bridging and healing Chiron. (See her Outerplanetary People series for more on PUNCs.) Joyce is often mistaken for an Aquarius/ Sagittarius blend. Even if you don’t speak astrology, that makes sense on some symbolic level because they both end in “ius.” She believes that I and Us are one in the same—and celebrates the human spirit in which we’re all joined.
First and foremost a writer, Joyce was a consulting astrologer, tarot reader, dreamworker, and flower essence practitioner for 25 years. Her astrological specialties are the sign of Virgo and the centaur planet, Chiron. She writes on these and many other topics. Read her complete bio and astrology articles on her Writer Joyce Mason website.
The name The Radical Virgo comes from an article Joyce wrote in The Mountain Astrologer many years ago. It also evolved into a personal nickname.
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