Dear Radical Readers,
I’m rounding the bend to the launch in November of my first
humorous mystery novel. It’s about an Odd Couple astrologer and her
ex-FBI-agent boyfriend who bust crimes in progress at a futuristic costume ball.
In preparation for The Crystal Ball, I’m
offering a free appetizer! The hors d’oeuvre
is my trio of short stories, my e-book Matters
of Life, Death and Laughter. It has been updated, including a new cover,
for its important role in whetting your appetite for my fiction writing.
Matters of Life, Death and Laughter is a trio of my most popular short stories. "Digital" is a tale, as bizarre as it’s darkly humorous, about something that turns up where it doesn’t belong. You can’t help but laugh, even if you think you shouldn't. "The Training Tape" asks you to think about what you say repeatedly and its consequences. "Zoe's Hair" examines the depth of a friendship and how it transcends time and space. As the subtitle says, these stories will make you laugh, cry and think.
Matters of Life, Death
and Laughter will also be available in e-reader versions on Amazon, Barnes
& Noble and other major sites in the next few weeks. Once the e-reader
version is available, links will included on the sidebar here on The Radical
If you’re not already on my mailing list, please join! I’ll be offering the first chapter of The Crystal Ball as a free download in a few weeks to mailing list members. To receive it automatically, you must be on the mailing list by Oct. 14. You won’t want to miss this and other, ongoing perks exclusive to the mailing list. See the upper right corner of the sidebar to sign up.FREE DRAWING! I will also be drawing names from the mailing list for a free copy of Golden Prose and Poetry, which I’ll mail to the winner with my story, “Cruel Embroidery,” signed. Drawing will take place on Halloween and will be announced on or about November 1.
Meanwhile, enjoy: “Digital,” “The Training Tape,” and “Zoe’s
Hair.” It's 30 pages and very conducive to printout, if you prefer.
And, of course, I’d love to hear any feedback in the Comments.
And, of course, I’d love to hear any feedback in the Comments.
Blessings and enjoy this gift,
Art Credits: Cover design by Karen Phillips, Phillips Covers. Cover background art
© koten_ok -
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