Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two for the Price of One—A Heal of a Deal!

Dear Radical Readers,

Continued positive input rolls in on my e-book, Chiron and Wholeness: A Primer. To encourage those of you who haven’t yet purchased it to take the leap, I’m offering a bonus from now through the month of April. Anyone who buys Chiron and Wholeness through April 30 will receive, in addition, a copy of my fiction e-book, The Training Tape. I think you’ll find them a remarkably complementary pair, and you’ll save $3.50 on the second e-book, too!

To purchase, see New E-Book on Chiron and the Chiron and Wholeness book cover on the sidebar. Both books will be delivered to you by e-mail as PDF attachments.

Hope you’re enjoying the season of wild creativity!

Blessings all,

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