Sunday, September 1, 2013

September: Old Home Month on The Radical Virgo

Exploring the Sign of Virgo and the Cusp of Autumn

 Dear Radical Readers,

Many of you already know that this blog was named after an article I wrote in The Mountain Astrologer in 1992 called “The Radical Virgo.” Judging by its popularity for more than two decades, the original “Radical Virgo” is timeless. I have received many positive comments about it over the years, housed on this website and in the Australian archive, A Place in Space. The enthusiasm of one reader about the article was the impetus for creating The Radical Virgo blog in 2009.

Timeless as the article is on one hand, the ideas expressed in “The Radical Virgo” about updating our image of the sign with a more modern look could still use a few more nips and tucks for its ultimate makeover. I’m ready to bring the Radical Virgo archetype into the Information and Digital Age. I look forward to sharing my thoughts about how Virgo energy fits into how we live today when I post “The Radical Virgo Revisited.”

This month’s posts will go deep into the skills for modern living represented by the evolved Virgo archetype. We’ll also explore Virgo mythology for a look at how these long repeated tales support reaping the bounty of a full life during our time on Planet Earth. In the zodiacal wheel, Virgo is the last stop before the harvest at Autumn Equinox.

Where I grew up in the Midwest USA, autumn is a time of homecoming games and the football season. I know fall is around the corner when I lose my husband to the gridiron on Direct TV. This time of year brings up so many emotions for me. Autumn’s breathtaking beauty and rich colors make me acutely aware of how exhilarating it is to be alive.

What makes it so ironic: Autumn is the burst of beauty before everything begins to die, that sense we get at Halloween. We try to thumb our noses at death with outrageous costumes and a general attitude that’s death defying, but we still know winter and the inner time is marching steadily into our reality with every moment of earlier darkness. In the larger scheme of our lives, we are faced with time marching on, knowing we, too, are temporary.

As we say good-bye to summer, let’s say hello to Virgo and learn more about what this pivotal sign has to teach us about living fuller and serving well.

Every blessing,


Photo Credit: Zodiac Sign Virgo © baksiabat -

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