© 2011 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved
Radical Readers! I've had more announcements than usual, so far, in 2011. Here are more about what’s up in the months to come.
The Round Blog-In
I’m pleased to announce a new feature on The Radical Virgo, the Round Blog-In. I’ve always invited the occasional guest to post in these here parts, but I’m putting out the welcome mat on a regular basis this year for as long as I have willing visitors. Not only are guest appearances a good way to mix it up and bring variety to a single-author blog; the breaks from personal posting will free up some of the time I need to research and work on my book this year.
I’m making a concerted effort to bring you top astrologers for your continued learning and entertainment, starting with one I’m sure you already know and admire, Donna Cunningham. Donna will kick-off the Round Blog-In on February 7 with a post on an astrological aspect that you may not know that well and whose potentials are bigger than you think for balance in your chart. Watch for it!
“To Question is the Answer”
Speaking of Donna, she has an amazing Q&A series on her blog, Sky Writer. Here are some examples that I find exciting and think you will, too:
New Insights into the 12th House from our Q&A Session or The Best of Readers’ Q & A about the 3rd House and Mercury
and a list of links to some of the sessions:
- Readers Ask—Q & A about the Midheaven
- Readers Ask: Q & A about the 12th House
- Readers Ask: Q & A about the 2nd House
- Readers Ask: Q&A about the Moon’s Nodes by Donna Van Toen
- Q&A: What Professional Astrologers Want to Know
There’s a reason why the title of this post is In and Out Blogger. We’ve covered others coming in. Now it’s time to share how I’m going out. As part of the interactive research for my Chiron book, I’ll be doing guest Q&A sessions on Donna’s Sky Writer on February 5 and 12. The first question-go-round on the 5th will cover anything you ever wanted to know about Chiron (and I hope you won’t be afraid to ask). The second on the 12th will focus on Chiron transits, particularly the key aspects of Chiron to itself (first square, opposition, second square, and Chiron Return).
The quote that’s the header to this section is from a bumper sticker I used to see on a large number of cars in the parking lot of my local Unitarian church. I have always thought it was both amusing and profound. I’m sure I’m not the only person who, as a kid, kept asking, “Why, Daddy?” (or Mommy). It’s nice to be in environments as an adult where this kind of curiosity is not considered pestering. Dialogue is one of the unique features blogging offers us. Please come by Sky Writer with your Chiron questions on the first two Saturdays in February.
The Suggest Box is Open
If you’ve got a favorite astrological author you’d like to get to know better, feel free to suggest him or her to me. I’ll consider all suggestions.
Meanwhile, have a great Valentine’s month, and enjoy these special happenings both on and beyond The Radical Virgo!
Photo Credit: Woman Out of the Box © Viktor Levi | Dreamstime.com
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