© 2012 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved
This is one of my
occasional posts on the status of my humorous mystery, The Crystal Ball. Thanks for your support as I dig deeper
into one of my favorite genres of writing!
March 31 has come and long gone. It's the latest date day by which I should have heard the news, if I happened to be the lucky winner of the St.
Martin’s First Crime Novel Contest. Although I haven’t yet seen
the winner posted online, I assume it’s not me for lack of a call or letter. I’m less disappointed that I thought I'd be.
Now it’s time to move onto Plan B. Transiting Jupiter entered my 1st
House on the same day—March 31—and I’m even more optimistic than usual about the
book’s potential. I don’t equate not winning to “the book isn’t good.” Contests
have to find the book that best fits the publishing criteria of the sponsoring
publisher. I’ve had very positive feedback from early readers about The Crystal Ball, including comparisons of my writing style to that of Janet Evanovich. (I love her hilarious mysteries and consider that quite a compliment.) Best of all, I
like how it turned out, and as you can imagine, The Radical Virgo can be
a Radical Nitpicker when it comes to getting it just right. (If you knew what I
go through sometimes, just to get the “perfect” art or photo for one of these posts,
you’d be rolling your eyes as much as reading with them!)
It was good to take a breather from the project between
submission of the book to the contest in November 2011 till now. It was one of
many major projects that contributed to massive overdo last year. The
cumulative busy tizzy left me in deep recovery all winter. Meanwhile, I’ve been
gleaning wisdom from one of my favorite local authors. She tells me the only
people making money as authors these days are the already famous, who nabbed a traditional
publisher and steady contract long ago, and those who are self-publishing.
That’s what a Virgo likes, a practical analysis. I’ve given away so much of my
writing, willingly I might add, it’s time to help support the family for all my
time and effort. Especially as we get older—even the pets!—our care and keeping
gets costlier. Given that, I think I’ll be self-publishing. Being both
author and publisher is labor intensive, but it yields the highest percentage of profits and
in many ways, the highest satisfaction. Someone even told me recently that big
publishers are now searching Amazon to find new authors who self-publish and make
good sales. The book industry really has been turned on its ear by print on demand,
e-readers, and the other cool tools of the Information Age. It's a whole new ballgame.
Here’s my newest blurb on the book:
The Crystal BallOpposites attract with such chemistry, they’re San Francisco’s latest earthquake. Astrologer Micki Michaels and Curt Stern are odder as a couple than Bones and Booth, except she’s the bleeding heart. He’s still the FBI agent, but retired and loving it--if she’d just let him. Micki and Curt find themselves keeping masqueraders from turning up dead at a futuristic, New Year’s Eve costume party. It’s the silver anniversary celebration of the longevity association she heads. Some nutcase wants the secret of immortality. He has no doubt crashed the party as one of the masked characters. How will they figure out who he is, protect family and friends, and keep this party the love-in craved by the Immortalists on Planet Earth Association? Wacky costumes, solutions and surprises. You’ll laugh way past Auld Lang Syne.
My favorite Vedic astrologer, Dennis Harness, told me long ago that
I have a good signature for self-publishing in my Jyotish chart. I’ve decided I
need to believe him, believe in my own positive self-publishing history, and believe
in myself. Isn’t it one of life’s great astrological ironies that Virgo, a sign
strong in the charts of many writers, is also one with the challenge of
I had this huge aha
recently that Jupiter in the 1st House combines the keywords House
of Self and the Planet of Publishing = Self-Publishing.
Now is, apparently, my time. So what am I waiting for, except for a new method to stare down the fear of the
It’s not like I don’t have experience self-publishing. I’ve
been doing it since the 1990s, starting with Chironicles. I do it now on this blog and with my e-books. However,
I’ve not yet done a paperback or print book, which simply adds another format
to my repertoire.
So, here’s my plan. Since it has continued to sell well in
PDF and e-reader versions, I’m going to adapt Chiron and Wholeness: A Primer into a paperback version so there
will be a third format and purchasing option. In the process of converting that
short primer, I should learn everything I need to know about how to self-publish The Crystal Ball. One of the things I’ve
learned, thanks to you, is that PDF and e-reader versions are a good place to
start. Then if sales warrant, moving to paperback makes sense, so people have
choices that fit their various preferences.
If Saturn is good to me (we have a great relationship,
overall), I hope to have my novel available by autumn. I could use all the
cheerleading I can get … and if anyone has advice from any personal publishing
experiences, I’m taking notes!
Thanks for being there for me and with me on my path of the
PS – I guess it’s more the path of the keyboard in modern
times. I have never been so grateful that I took typing as a teenager in summer
school—or for my fast flying, nimble fingers, which have gotten quite a workout
ever since.
Photo Credit: © Pétrouche - Fotolia.com
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