Saturday, October 8, 2011

Radical Departure: Zipped Lips!

© 2011 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

In case you’re wondering what on Earth is going on here, see No Small Change on The Radical Virgo. During October and November, I’ll be doing short posts to take you along for the wild ride of rewriting and getting my humorous, metaphysical mystery book ready for submission to the St. Martin’s Press annual First Mystery Novel Contest.

Since my sights are set on submitting The Crystal Ball to a contest, I have to follow the rules. (Capricorn Moon does not mind this—in fact, she does not feel comfortable doing otherwise.) One rule is that I can’t publish the book before submission, including on a blog or website, except for brief excerpts. Since interpretation of “brief” lies in the eyes of the contest judges, to play it safe, I’ve decided not to publish any of actual text beforehand. The temptation is fierce, and I want you to know I’m not as comfortable holding out on you as I am following the rule that requires me to do it—if that makes any sense. So, the book blurb in the last post is all I can say for now. (Lips zipped—or I guess that would be fingers.)

This first week, I’ve written three more chapters and am amazed at how the plot thickens and the new direction of the story line tells itself to me. I has been hard to do the “old version” review, because my mind is so anxious to hear the new place the tale is taking me. Still, there is much material from the original Life’s Companions to weave into the mix of the old and new—just like Chiron weaves wholeness from the best of both old and new, reflected by its position between Saturn and Uranus.

You probably won’t be surprised to learn the chapters each begin with quotes—and that I find ones that suit each part of the story that stun me for their perfect fit. I guess researching all those Quotes for the Signs has paid off!

One of the best books I have ever read, Higher Creativity: Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insightsby Willis Harman and Howard Rheingold, turned me on to the importance of down time in the creative process. I’ve found myself “plumb tuckered,” an expression I learned from a Southern belle, that I just love. I need to veg and to escape my own writing by reading others’ novels. How do I fit it all in? My month has its share of previous commitments, appointments, meetings, and a visit by my niece and her family. Most of these things were planned before I got the Bell Rock Whisper that I was being redirected to work on this book now. I’ve decided that I will continue to rely on inner guidance to determine which things I can blow off or postpone and which things I cannot … and those I simply have to view in a different way.

On the latter, two characters in the novel were inspired by my niece and one of her daughters. What a perfect time for them to show up, where I can enjoy them and, at the same time, observe them with my writer’s eye to polish April and Tansy, their fictional counterparts.

Who knows what’s next? These two months require Radical trust, that term I learned from the flower essence, Barnacle, by Pacific Essences.

There’s my intuition reminding me again—I have to restock that stuff!

Photo Credit: © kitchidk -

Don’t forget the Comment Contest!



Photo Credit: © kitchidk -

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